For a long time it was rumored that recycling cost more than it could return and many were reluctant to get involved. Over time, that is being found to be untrue. We are finding that a well designed recycling program can save money in many ways.
It can save the family money by reducing the amount they pay for trash removal services. Businesses save that way as well. It creates jobs for communities at a rate of 4 to 1 when compared to waste management and disposal industries.
Collectively, it keeps mountains of waste out of the landfills and reduces the volume of new products are manufactured to replace the ones that are thrown away. Recycling save energy and water compared to manufacturing and green house gasses are greatly reduced as well.
One college campus recycled a year’s worth of paper which was the equivalent of over 33,000 trees. That is just one college. Can you imaging the impact as more get on board?
Recycling eases our demand on the earth’s resources. It reduces our need for mining, and prevents habitat destruction. Recycling one glass bottle provides enough energy to light a light bulb for four hours. Isn’t that amazing? You can find out more at:
Recycling Benefits: The Many Reasons Why
We can make a difference. Even the seemingly small amount of recycling we do in our home or at our office can make a difference somewhere. The reach is long and the benefits are real. We appreciate your efforts and commend you for spreading the word.