Save up to 25%

Recycle Electricity


Cut Your Electric Bill with Peak Energy Savers


Areas You Can Recycle Electricity & Save $$ in Your Home

Typical Savings is 15%-20% in Homes

Savings in the Home cutaway with Peak Energy Savers
  1. AC Compressor & Heat Pump
  2. Amplifies Solar Savings
  3. Refrigerator
  4. Dishwasher
  5. *Microwave Oven
  6. Vent-A-Hood
  7. Washing Machine
  8. Clothes Dryer
  9. Power Tools & *Chargers
  10. *CFL Bulbs (throughout home)
  11. *Televisions & *DVD Players
  12. *Computers & *Office Equip.
  13. Hair Dryers
  14. Ceiling Fans
  15. Cell Phone & Tablet *Chargers
  16. Vent Fans—Bath
  17. Computer Games / Consoles
  18. Swimming Pool & Spa
  19. Furnace Blower

Help the Environment

Every 1000 kWh saved is the same as planting 16 trees
