Eco-Friendly Options for K-Cup Waste

Americans love their coffee and they have jumped headlong into the single serving coffee machine trend. Now, we are hearing about the volume of plastic entering landfills as a discarded K-Cup. These individual plastic cups are very convenient but are creating mountains of unrecyclable waste. Not only can we purchase individual pods of coffee but […]
How to Start Recycling

Recycling can be one of those things we keep intending to do but are slow to begin implementing. Much of the process can be simplified by quick organization. You need to find out what your area accepts for recycled material and then you have to set up your recycling containers in an area that is […]
What is a Carbon Footprint?

Just in case you’re not aware of what a carbon footprint is, it’s the amount of greenhouses gases that we produce through our daily activities, whether directly or indirectly. Directly is, of course, by driving our cars, heating our homes, just about anything that we do involving fuel that releases greenhouses gases.
Energy Conservation in Your Home

Most of us make efforts to turn lights out when we leave a room and dial the heat down at night. These efforts help in reducing your energy consumption and reducing the money you spend on utilities each month. There are steps you can take to take your conservation and savings up a level and […]
Show Your Customers How Much You Care for the Environment

Customers are paying attention these days. They are noting which of the companies that they do business with are the companies who care about sustainability. Often, the deciding factor between two companies who are vying for their business, can boil down to the company that seems to care most about the future living conditions for our […]
Recycling Paper Makes a Big Difference

When we really start looking at the amount of paper we use in our everyday life it is easy to see that recycling it is a good idea. We are sometimes surprised to find out just how big an impact recycling paper can have on the earth’s resources. You may have seen the statistics that […]
The Benefits of Recycling

For a long time it was rumored that recycling cost more than it could return and many were reluctant to get involved. Over time, that is being found to be untrue. We are finding that a well designed recycling program can save money in many ways. It can save the family money by reducing the […]
List of How to Recycle Things A to Z

There are lots of odds and ends that we don’t know if we can recycle or, if so, how. This website How to Recycle Anything lists volumes of items to answer those questions. Some items are listed with a link to a website for more information. A – Aerosol Cans If you completely empty the […]