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Going Green With Household Cleaners

natural cleaning suppliesThere is a trend today of people paying attention to the chemicals that make up the cleaners they have typically used at home for years. We never really questioned it but now are learning there are things inside that counter scrub or toilet bowl cleaner that can actually be detrimental to our health.

The challenge is in finding products that are safe and effective to replace the old standbys we’ve used for years. Many people are turning to homemade recipes and going back to using ingredients like baking soda, lemon juice, and vinegar for cleaning. When we consider the toxicity of the products we’ve used in the past and the potential for harm to our family it seems worth the time to mix our own formulas in order to know for certain that what we are using is safe.

Others are seeking out companies that are committed to manufacturing earth friendly products and are honest about what goes into them. All too often we are attempting to read the labels of products we’ve used for decades and have no idea what the ingredients are. The names are so long they sound like a chemical factory in a can. It can be scary.

If you are interested in finding more natural products to use in your home, especially around your children, there are some helpful websites you can turn to for answers. You will find some good resources at Earth-Friendly Cleaners. They list links to companies that are committed to natural products and a clean environment. You’ll also find information on making your own laundry detergent and other cleaners.

The big picture can be overwhelming but if we begin with one area and work from there we can make a difference. We can build from there and improve the health of our family and our planet at the same time.